
Instructions for authors

Contributions must be in Word format, font “Times”, size 12 pts, length between 2500 and 4500 words (7 to 15 typed and numbered pages), line spacing 1.5 pts, including tables, graphs, figures, footnotes and bibliography.

Tripartite plan: Problem-Method-Solution

The contributions must respect the tripartite plan of the Insights: Problem-Method-Solution (see model in ”

Titles and reading levels

Title of the contribution: lower case letters, font ” Times ” 15 pts, in bold.

Chapter title (level 1): capital letters, font “Times”, 12 pts in bold.

Chapter title (level 2): lower case letters, font “Times”, 11 pts in bold.

Chapter title (level 3): lower case letters, “Times” font, 10 pts, bold italic.

Three levels (maximum) of reading should be sufficient.

Headings, intertitles, “caps” and highlights are the responsibility of the editor.

Bibliographic references

Authors must be listed in alphabetical order, with the surname (in lower case), the first initial of the first name, the date of publication, the title of the work (in italics for a book title, in quotation marks for an article title, indication of the title of the journal in italics, the volume and number and the pages concerned).

Examples of book references, book chapters, academic articles and conference papers that comply with the selected standard:

Simon, H. (1996). Les sciences de l’artificiel, Paris, Éditions Gallimard. Nonaka, I. (1994). “A Dynamic Theory of Organizational Knowledge Creation,” Organization Science, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 14-37.

When several works by the same author are published in the same year, a lower case letter is added to the mention of the year: (Rumelt, 1984a), (Rumelt, 1984b), etc.


On the first page, after the title of the contribution, indicate the author(s)’ full name(s), position, organization or institution, laboratory or research group of affiliation, mailing address and e-mail, and main telephone number.

Summary and keywords

The second page will contain an abstract in French and another in English, each not exceeding 150 words (5 to 10 lines), and a series of keywords (maximum 5) presenting the central concepts of the contribution.

Notes, excerpts and quotes

Authors are asked not to make multiple calls for notes. These are numbered successively in the body of the text and refer to the footnotes. Extracts or fragments of text quoted in the body of the article must be placed in quotation marks in the language chosen by the author (French or English). Bibliographic citations in the body of the text must include, in parentheses, the name of the author and the date of publication of the work or article cited and, if applicable, the page number. Sample citations: (Schumpeter, 1949, p. 438), (Cohen and Levinthal, 1990), (Teece, Pisano and Shuen, 1997). If the citation exceeds three authors: put “et al. (in italics) after the 1st reference (example: Mitchell et al., 2007).

Tables and figures

The tables must be preceded by a title and numbered consecutively (table 1, 2, 3…). Figures (figure1, 2, 3…) are subject to the same rules. Their numbering must be independent of that of the tables.

Evaluation of contributions

The submitted contributions are evaluated by two expert reviewers of the subject. Based on these reports, the editorial board accepts, rejects or asks the authors to make the necessary adjustments and modifications.

Originality and exclusivity

The contributions must be original and must not be reproduced and/or distributed in the same way, before or after their publication in the EBI.
